OpenSPP API Records#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This document details the OpenSPP API Records module within the OpenSPP platform. This module is responsible for defining and exposing API endpoints that provide access to records and data related to OpenSPP's core functionalities, including service points, programs, entitlements, and registries.


The OpenSPP API Records module aims to:

  • Expose Data via API: Make OpenSPP's core data accessible through a well-defined RESTful API, enabling external systems and applications to interact with OpenSPP.

  • Standardize Data Exchange: Define consistent data formats and structures for API requests and responses, ensuring interoperability with various systems.

  • Support Integration Efforts: Facilitate the integration of OpenSPP with other systems used by governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders involved in social protection programs and farmer registries.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  1. spp_api:

    • This module builds directly upon the spp_api module, inheriting its core API framework, security features (OAuth 2.0), and documentation generation capabilities.

    • It leverages the API namespaces, paths, and authentication mechanisms provided by spp_api to define and expose its own set of API endpoints.

  2. spp_service_points:

    • Integrates with the spp_service_points module to expose data related to service points, their locations, operational status, and associated devices.

    • API endpoints allow for retrieving service point details, searching for service points based on various criteria, and potentially updating service point information.

  3. spp_programs:

    • Connects with the spp_programs module to make program data accessible through the API.

    • Endpoints might include retrieving program details, listing program cycles, fetching eligibility criteria, and accessing information about enrolled beneficiaries.

  4. Product (product):

    • Integrates with the Product module to provide API access to product information, particularly relevant for programs involving the distribution of in-kind benefits.

    • API endpoints could enable retrieving product lists, details, stock levels, and other relevant data for managing in-kind entitlements.

  5. g2p_programs:

    • Leverages the g2p_programs module to access and expose data related to program entitlements, payments, and beneficiary participation.

    • API endpoints might facilitate the retrieval of entitlement details, payment histories, program participation status, and other program-related records.

  6. Contacts (contacts):

    • Utilizes the Contacts module to access and potentially expose data related to individuals and organizations involved in OpenSPP, such as program managers, service point operators, and potentially registrant contact information (with appropriate privacy considerations).

  7. g2p_registry_base:

    • Accesses data from the g2p_registry_base module to potentially expose limited and anonymized registrant information through the API, strictly adhering to privacy and data protection regulations.

    • API endpoints in this area would require robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access and prevent unauthorized data exposure.

Additional Functionality#

  • API Endpoints for Record Access:

    • Defines and implements specific API endpoints to retrieve, search, and potentially modify data related to OpenSPP's core entities (service points, programs, products, entitlements, etc.).

    • Implements data validation, error handling, and appropriate response codes (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found) to ensure API reliability and usability.

  • Data Serialization and Transformation:

    • Handles the conversion of OpenSPP's internal data structures and formats into standardized representations suitable for API exchange (e.g., JSON or XML).

    • Implements any necessary data transformations or filtering to present information in a way that is meaningful and consumable by external systems.

  • API Versioning and Documentation:

    • Adheres to best practices for API versioning, allowing for backward compatibility and controlled evolution of the API over time.

    • Leverages the documentation generation capabilities of spp_api to provide comprehensive and up-to-date documentation for all exposed endpoints, including request/response formats, authentication requirements, and example usage.


The OpenSPP API Records module plays a vital role in extending OpenSPP's reach and interoperability. By exposing core data through a well-defined and secure API, it enables seamless integration with other systems, facilitating data exchange, automating processes, and empowering external stakeholders to interact with OpenSPP in a standardized and controlled manner.