
Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The spp_api module provides a comprehensive framework for building and managing a RESTful API for the OpenSPP platform. It builds upon the foundation laid by the spp_base_api module, adding crucial components for API definition, documentation, and security.


This module is designed to:

  • Define API Endpoints: Create, configure, and manage API endpoints for accessing and manipulating data within the OpenSPP system.

  • Generate API Documentation: Automatically generate OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation for all defined API endpoints, providing a clear and interactive interface for developers.

  • Enforce API Security: Integrate with the spp_oauth module to handle authentication and authorization for API requests, ensuring secure access to sensitive data.

  • Log API Interactions: Record details of all incoming API requests and outgoing responses, facilitating debugging, monitoring, and auditing.


  • spp_base_api: This module relies on spp_base_api for its core API interaction functions and methods.

  • web: Leverages Odoo's web framework for routing and handling HTTP requests.

  • spp_oauth: Integrates with the spp_oauth module to implement OAuth 2.0-based authentication and authorization for securing API access.

Functionality and Integration#

The spp_api module introduces key components for building a robust API:

1. API Namespaces and Paths:

  • Namespaces: Represent logical groupings of API endpoints, often associated with specific functionalities or versions (e.g., v1, v2).

  • Paths: Define individual API endpoints within a namespace, specifying the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH), URL path, data model, fields to expose, and any filtering or domain logic.

2. API Documentation:

  • OpenAPI (Swagger) Generation: The module automatically generates OpenAPI documentation based on the defined namespaces and paths. This documentation serves as a comprehensive guide for developers, detailing available endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication requirements.

3. API Security:

  • OAuth 2.0 Integration: Seamlessly integrates with spp_oauth to enforce authentication and authorization using OAuth 2.0 standards. API requests must include valid access tokens, obtained through the OAuth 2.0 flow.

4. API Logging:

  • Detailed Logs: Records comprehensive logs for all API interactions, including the request method, URL, parameters, data, response status code, and response data.

  • Configurable Logging Levels: Allows administrators to configure the level of detail logged for requests and responses (e.g., disabled, short, full debug).

5. Integration with Other Modules:

  • Any OpenSPP module that wants to expose data or functionalities through an API can leverage the spp_api module.

  • Modules define their API endpoints using namespaces and paths, ensuring consistency and automatic documentation generation.

  • The spp_api module handles routing, authentication, and logging for these endpoints, simplifying development and ensuring API security.


The spp_api module is the cornerstone for building and managing a secure and well-documented RESTful API for the OpenSPP platform. It provides a standardized framework for API development, streamlines integration with other modules, and enhances the security of OpenSPP data by leveraging OAuth 2.0 authentication.