Sphinx extensions
Sphinx extensions#
We use several Sphinx extensions to enhance the presentation of OpenSPP documentation.
allows you to embed Graphviz graphs in your documents.sphinx.ext.intersphinx
provides linking between separate projects that use Sphinx for documentation.sphinx.ext.todo
adds support for todo items.sphinx_copybutton
adds a little "copy" button to the right of code blocks.sphinx-design
adds grids, cards, icons, badges, buttons, tabs, and dropdowns.sphinx_sitemap
generates multiversion and multilanguage sitemaps.org compliant sitemaps.sphinxcontrib.httpdomain
provides a Sphinx domain for describing HTTP APIs.sphinxcontrib.httpexample
by generating RESTful HTTP API call examples for different tools from a single HTTP request example. Supported tools include curl, wget, httpie, and python-requests.sphinxcontrib.video
allows you to embed local videos as defined by the HTML5 standard.sphinxext.opengraph
generates OpenGraph metadata.sphinx.ext.viewcode
generates pages of source code modules and links between the source and the description.sphinx.ext.autosummary
generates function/method/attribute summary lists.