
This guide offers insights and solutions for common errors encountered in Odoo application development. Understanding these errors and knowing how to address them efficiently is crucial for maintaining a smooth development process.

  1. Error: Field “x” does not exist in model “y”

    • Confirm the field's presence in the model.

    • Ensure the Python file is listed in models/

    • Verify the existence of from . import models in the file.

    • Consider upgrading the module.

    • Double-check the field name for any spelling errors.

  2. Error: Unable to install module “x” due to an unmet external dependency: Missing Python library “y”, “z”

    • Execute pip install -r requirements.txt to install the module's required Python libraries.

    • If specific libraries are mentioned in the error, install them individually using pip.

  3. Error: Invalid field “x” on model “y”

    • Ensure the field exists within the model.

    • Restart the Odoo server and then upgrade the module.

  4. Error: Some modules are not loaded, potentially due to missing dependencies or manifests: [“x”]

    • Check if the module is located in the custom/ or custom/src/ folder. If absent, add the module, restart the Odoo server, and attempt reinstallation.

    • Confirm the existence of the dependency module of the missing module in either the custom/ or custom/src/ folder.

  5. Error: Inconsistent module states, possibly due to missing dependencies: [“x”]

    • This issue often arises when a dependency of the “x” module encounters an error.

    • Explore and rectify errors in other related modules.