OpenSPP API: Oauth#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The spp_oauth module provides authentication functionality for the OpenSPP API. It allows external applications and services to securely access and interact with OpenSPP data and functionalities using industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocols.


This module serves as the central authentication hub for the OpenSPP API, ensuring secure and controlled access to sensitive program data. It enables:

  • Secure Authentication: Utilizes OAuth 2.0 standards to authenticate API requests, protecting against unauthorized access.

  • Token-Based Access: Grants access tokens to authorized applications, allowing them to make API calls on behalf of users or with specific permissions.

  • API Security: Enforces authentication and authorization rules for all incoming API requests, preventing unauthorized data access and manipulation.


  • base: The spp_oauth module inherits basic Odoo functionalities from the core base module.

Functionality and Integration#

While the spp_oauth module doesn't introduce new user interfaces or data models, it works behind the scenes to secure the OpenSPP API. Here's how it integrates:

  1. API Endpoints: Other OpenSPP modules that expose API endpoints will depend on spp_oauth to handle the authentication and authorization of incoming API requests.

  2. OAuth 2.0 Flows: This module implements various OAuth 2.0 flows, enabling different application types to authenticate and obtain access tokens. This could include client credentials flow for machine-to-machine communication or authorization code flow for user-authorized access.

  3. Token Management: spp_oauth manages the lifecycle of access tokens, including generation, validation, and revocation, ensuring that only valid tokens can access protected resources.


The spp_oauth module plays a crucial role in securing the OpenSPP ecosystem by providing robust authentication and authorization mechanisms for the OpenSPP API. It ensures that only authorized applications and users can access and interact with sensitive social protection program data.