OpenSPP Programs#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This document outlines the functionality of the OpenSPP Programs module. This module extends the OpenG2P: Programs functionality, introducing in-kind entitlement management alongside existing cash-based features.


The OpenSPP Programs module aims to:

  • Manage In-Kind Entitlements: Introduce the concept of in-kind entitlements alongside cash entitlements, allowing programs to distribute goods and services.

  • Integrate with Inventory: Link in-kind entitlements to the Odoo Inventory module, enabling stock management, procurement, and tracking of distributed items.

  • Enhance Existing Program Features: Extend OpenG2P's program management with capabilities tailored for in-kind distributions.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  1. g2p_registry_base : Leverages the base registry for core registrant information and extends it by adding in-kind entitlement tracking to registrant profiles.

  2. g2p_programs:

    • Builds upon the core program management features, including program creation, cycle management, and eligibility determination.

    • Extends program views to incorporate in-kind entitlement data and actions.

  3. spp_area: Integrates with the area module to associate service points for in-kind entitlement redemption with specific geographical areas.

  4. Product (product): Utilizes the product module to define the goods and services offered as part of in-kind entitlements, leveraging existing product information and categorization.

  5. Stock (stock):

    • Links in-kind entitlements to the stock module, enabling the generation of stock movements upon entitlement approval.

    • Allows for the tracking of inventory levels, procurement needs, and the flow of goods from warehouses to beneficiaries.

Additional Functionality#

  • In-Kind Entitlement Model (g2p.entitlement.inkind): Introduces a new model specifically for managing in-kind entitlements, capturing data such as:

    • Product: The specific good or service being distributed.

    • Quantity: The number of units entitled to the beneficiary.

    • Unit Price: The value of each unit for accounting and reporting.

    • Warehouse: The location from which the item will be distributed.

    • Service Point: The designated point where beneficiaries can redeem their entitlements.

  • Inventory Integration:

    • When an in-kind entitlement is approved:

      • A procurement request is automatically generated within the stock module.

      • Stock movements are triggered to transfer the goods from the warehouse to the designated service point.

  • Extended Program Views:

    • Program views are modified to display both cash and in-kind entitlement counts.

    • New tabs and fields within program forms provide visibility into in-kind entitlement details.

  • Registrant Profile Enhancements:

    • Registrant profiles now include a dedicated section for tracking in-kind entitlements, listing past and current entitlements.

    • Provides a consolidated view of a registrant's benefits, encompassing both cash and in-kind distributions.

  • Reporting:

    • The module includes new reports specifically designed for in-kind entitlements, providing insights into:

      • Distribution of goods and services.

      • Inventory levels and procurement needs.

      • Service point activity and redemption rates.


The OpenSPP Programs module significantly expands the OpenG2P platform's capabilities by incorporating in-kind entitlement management. This integration with inventory management and the enhancements to existing program features make OpenSPP a comprehensive solution for managing a wider range of social protection and agricultural support programs.