G2P Programs#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This document details the G2P Programs module within the OpenSPP platform. This module is responsible for defining and managing the core aspects of social protection programs, including eligibility criteria, program cycles, entitlement management, and payment processing.


The G2P Programs module provides a comprehensive framework for:

  • Defining Social Protection Programs: Allows administrators to create and configure programs with specific objectives, target populations, and operational processes.

  • Managing Program Cycles: Organizes program activities into distinct cycles, each with defined start and end dates, enrollment periods, and associated entitlements.

  • Determining Eligibility: Provides a flexible mechanism for defining and evaluating eligibility criteria, ensuring that only qualified registrants receive program benefits.

  • Generating Entitlements: Automates the process of creating entitlements for eligible beneficiaries, tracking their validity periods and amounts.

  • Facilitating Payments: Streamlines the disbursement of benefits to beneficiaries, either through cash transfers or other delivery mechanisms.

  • Monitoring and Reporting: Offers tools for tracking program progress, beneficiary participation, and financial transactions, facilitating program evaluation and accountability.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  1. G2P Registry: Base (g2p_registry_base):

    • Leverages the base registry module for core registrant management functionalities.

    • Accesses registrant data, such as demographics, contact information, and group affiliations, to evaluate eligibility and assign beneficiaries to programs.

  2. G2P Registry: Individual (g2p_registry_individual):

    • Utilizes individual registrant data for eligibility determination, particularly for programs targeting individuals.

    • Extends individual registrant views to display program participation details.

  3. G2P Registry: Group (g2p_registry_group):

    • Enables the enrollment of groups as beneficiaries, especially for programs designed for group participation.

    • Integrates with group registrant views to display program membership information.

  4. G2P Registry: Membership (g2p_registry_membership):

    • Handles the relationships between individuals and groups, crucial for programs with group-based eligibility or delivery mechanisms.

    • Utilizes membership data to determine group eligibility and allocate benefits to individual members.

  5. Account (account):

    • Integrates with Odoo's accounting module for financial management.

    • Records program-related transactions, tracks disbursement journals, and generates reports on program expenditures.

  6. Queue Job (queue_job):

    • Employs the queue job framework for asynchronous processing of computationally intensive tasks, such as eligibility verification, entitlement generation, and payment processing.

    • Improves system performance and user experience by delegating long-running operations to background jobs.

  7. G2P Bank (g2p_bank):

    • Facilitates the integration with financial service providers (FSPs) for electronic payment disbursements.

    • Manages bank account information for registrants and processes payments through pre-configured payment gateways.

  8. Calendar (calendar):

    • Utilizes Odoo's calendar module for scheduling program-related events, such as enrollment periods, payment cycles, and reporting deadlines.

    • Integrates with program and cycle views to display upcoming events and reminders.

  9. Event SMS (event_sms):

    • Enables SMS notifications for program-related events, including enrollment confirmations, eligibility updates, payment notifications, and reminders.

    • Leverages the module's SMS gateway integration for efficient and timely communication with beneficiaries.

Additional Functionality#

  • Program Model (g2p.program):

    • Defines the structure and attributes of social protection programs, including name, description, target type (individual or group), delivery mechanisms, and associated managers.

    • Offers a flexible system for configuring program-specific settings and workflows.

  • Program Membership (g2p.program_membership):

    • Creates a dedicated model to manage the association between registrants and programs, tracking enrollment status, enrollment dates, exit dates, and eligibility outcomes.

    • Provides a central location for managing program beneficiaries and monitoring their participation.

  • Program Cycle (g2p.cycle):

    • Defines distinct periods within a program, with defined start and end dates, for organizing activities like enrollment, eligibility verification, entitlement generation, and payment disbursement.

    • Allows for structured management of program timelines and facilitates cycle-specific reporting and evaluation.

  • Entitlement (g2p.entitlement):

    • Models the right of a beneficiary to receive benefits within a specific cycle, defining the type of entitlement (cash, in-kind), amount, validity period, and disbursement details.

    • Offers a robust mechanism for tracking and managing the allocation of benefits to eligible beneficiaries.

  • Payment (g2p.payment):

    • Records details of individual payments made to beneficiaries, including payment method, amount, transaction date, status (success/failure), and associated fees.

    • Facilitates efficient payment processing, reconciliation, and auditing of program expenditures.

  • Program Managers:

    • Defines various manager models for specific program functionalities, including:

      • Eligibility Managers (g2p.eligibility.manager): Responsible for defining and evaluating eligibility criteria based on program-specific rules.

      • Cycle Managers (g2p.cycle.manager): Manage the creation and execution of program cycles, including beneficiary enrollment and cycle-specific activities.

      • Entitlement Managers (g2p.program.entitlement.manager): Oversee the generation, approval, and disbursement of entitlements to eligible beneficiaries.

      • Payment Managers (g2p.program.payment.manager): Handle payment processing, integration with FSPs, and reconciliation of payment transactions.

      • Deduplication Managers (g2p.deduplication.manager): Identify and resolve duplicate registrant entries to ensure accurate beneficiary identification and prevent fraud.

      • Notification Managers (g2p.program.notification.manager): Manage communication with beneficiaries, including SMS notifications and other forms of outreach.

  • Customizable Workflows:

    • The module's flexible architecture allows administrators to define program-specific workflows, tailoring the sequence and execution of tasks like eligibility verification, entitlement generation, and payment processing.

    • Supports various program models and operational requirements.


The G2P Programs module is the cornerstone of the OpenSPP platform, providing the essential tools for managing every stage of a social protection program's lifecycle. Its comprehensive functionality, integration with other core modules, and customizable workflows make it a powerful and adaptable solution for delivering social protection benefits effectively and efficiently.