OpenSPP Entitlement Basket#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This document outlines the functionality of the OpenSPP Entitlement Basket module. This module extends OpenSPP's program management by introducing the concept of predefined "baskets" of goods and services that beneficiaries are entitled to receive.


The OpenSPP Entitlement Basket module aims to:

  • Define In-Kind Entitlement Baskets: Create predefined sets of products (goods and services) representing a complete entitlement package.

  • Simplify In-Kind Entitlement Management: Streamline the assignment of multiple products to beneficiaries using a single basket.

  • Integrate with Program Cycles and Inventory: Seamlessly connect entitlement baskets to program cycles and leverage existing inventory management features.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  1. g2p_registry_base: Uses the base registry for core beneficiary information and links basket entitlements to beneficiary profiles.

  2. g2p_programs: Extends program management by introducing a new entitlement manager type for basket distribution.

  3. spp_programs: Leverages the in-kind entitlement model and inventory integration features.

  4. spp_service_points: Associates entitlement baskets with service points for beneficiary redemption.

  5. product: Utilizes the product module to define the goods and services included within an entitlement basket.

  6. stock: Integrates with the stock module to manage inventory levels of basket products, generate procurement requests, and track stock movements upon entitlement approval.

Additional Functionality#

  • Entitlement Basket Model (spp.entitlement.basket): Introduces a new model to define entitlement baskets, capturing:

    • Products: A list of products included in the basket.

    • Quantity per Product: The number of units of each product a beneficiary is entitled to.

  • Basket Entitlement Manager (g2p.program.entitlement.manager.basket):

    • A new entitlement manager type specifically for managing basket distribution within a program.

    • Associates a program cycle with a predefined entitlement basket.

    • Allows configuration of optional multipliers based on beneficiary attributes (e.g., number of family members).

    • Handles the generation of individual in-kind entitlements for each product in the basket based on beneficiary eligibility and multiplier settings.

  • Inventory Integration:

    • When a basket entitlement is approved, the module leverages existing spp_programs functionality to:

      • Generate procurement requests for the required quantities of basket products within the designated warehouse.

      • Trigger stock movements to transfer goods from the warehouse to the designated service point for beneficiary redemption.

  • Beneficiary Entitlement View: Extends the beneficiary profile to display a history of received entitlement baskets and the individual product entitlements within each basket.


The OpenSPP Entitlement Basket module simplifies the management and distribution of complex in-kind entitlements. By bundling products into predefined baskets, it streamlines program configuration, improves efficiency, and enhances transparency for both program administrators and beneficiaries. The integration with existing OpenSPP modules ensures a cohesive and robust system for managing diverse social protection programs.