OpenSPP Auto-Update Entitlements#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This document describes the OpenSPP Auto-Update Entitlements module within the OpenSPP platform. This module enhances the management of entitlement lifecycles by automatically updating entitlement states when program cycles end. This automation streamlines benefit administration and provides a more accurate view of benefit utilization.


The OpenSPP Auto-Update Entitlements module primarily focuses on:

  • Automating Entitlement State Transitions: Automatically updates the status of entitlements at the end of a program cycle based on their redemption status.

  • Improving Data Accuracy: Provides a more accurate reflection of entitlement utilization by automatically transitioning entitlements to appropriate states (e.g., "Partially Redeemed/Paid to Beneficiary", "Redeemed/Paid to Beneficiary").

  • Reducing Manual Effort: Eliminates the need for manual updates of entitlement states, freeing up program administrators to focus on other tasks.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  1. OpenSPP Entitlement Transactions:

    • Heavily relies on this module to access transaction histories associated with entitlements.

    • Uses transaction data to determine the redemption status of entitlements and trigger appropriate state updates.

  2. g2p_programs:

    • Integrates with the core program management module to access program cycle data.

    • Leverages cycle end dates to initiate the automatic update process for entitlements associated with the ending cycle.

  3. OpenSPP Programs:

    • Builds upon the OpenSPP Programs module's functionality for managing both cash and in-kind entitlements.

    • Extends entitlement models and views to accommodate the automatic state update logic.

Additional Functionality#

  • Cycle End State Check: When a program cycle is marked as ended, the module automatically analyzes the transaction history of each associated entitlement.

  • Entitlement State Logic: Based on transaction data, the module applies the following logic to update entitlement states:

    • Partially Redeemed/Paid to Beneficiary: If an entitlement has transactions but still has a remaining balance, its state changes to "Partially Redeemed/Paid to Beneficiary".

    • Redeemed/Paid to Beneficiary: If an entitlement has been fully redeemed with no remaining balance, its state transitions to "Redeemed/Paid to Beneficiary".

    • Unredeemed: If an entitlement has no associated transactions, its state remains unchanged.

  • UI Enhancements:

    • Modifies the cycle view to automatically mark a cycle as expired when its end date is in the past.

    • Extends entitlement views to display the calculated entitlement_balance based on the associated transaction history.


The OpenSPP Auto-Update Entitlements module improves the accuracy and efficiency of entitlement management in OpenSPP. By automating state transitions based on actual benefit utilization, it provides program administrators with a more reliable view of program operations while reducing manual administrative tasks.