OpenG2P Programs: Cycleless Module#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The g2p_program_cycleless module extends the functionality of the g2p_programs module to support cycleless social protection programs.

Traditional social protection programs often operate in cycles, with distinct periods for enrollment, payment preparation, and disbursement. However, some programs, especially those focused on continuous or on-demand support, may benefit from a cycleless approach.

This module allows program managers to designate a program as cycleless, eliminating the need to manage distinct program cycles. This simplifies program administration and provides greater flexibility in managing beneficiary entitlements and payments.

Key Features#

  • Cycleless Program Designation: The module adds a new field to the g2p.program model, allowing administrators to mark a program as cycleless.

  • Simplified Interface: For cycleless programs, the user interface is adapted to hide cycle-related elements, presenting a more streamlined experience.

  • Automatic Cycle Management: When a program is marked as cycleless, the module automatically manages a single, always-active cycle in the background. This simplifies program operations without sacrificing the underlying data structure.

  • Unified Entitlement Management: Beneficiary entitlements are managed within the context of the always-active cycle, providing a unified view for administrators.

  • Streamlined Payment Processing: Payment preparation and disbursement processes are adapted for the cycleless model.

Integration with Other Modules#

This module directly extends the g2p_programs module. It leverages existing data structures and functionalities from this module, such as:

  • Program Model: Utilizes the g2p.program model to manage program configurations and settings.

  • Cycle Model: Leverages the g2p.cycle model to represent the always-active cycle in the background.

  • Entitlement Management: Integrates with the entitlement management functionalities provided by the g2p_programs module.

Benefits of Using the Cycleless Module#

  • Simplified Program Administration: Reduced complexity for programs that do not require distinct operational cycles.

  • Increased Flexibility: Enables more dynamic and responsive program delivery, particularly for on-demand or continuous support programs.

  • Streamlined User Experience: Provides a more intuitive interface for managing cycleless programs.

Use Cases#

  • Emergency Cash Transfers: Rapidly provide assistance to beneficiaries in response to unforeseen events without the need for pre-defined cycles.

  • Conditional Cash Transfers with Rolling Enrollment: Allow beneficiaries to enroll and become eligible for benefits on an ongoing basis, rather than within fixed enrollment periods.

  • Continuous Social Assistance: Support programs that provide ongoing assistance based on evolving needs and circumstances, such as disability benefits.