g2p_program_autoenrol Module#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This module extends the functionality of the g2p_programs module to enable automatic enrollment of registrants into social protection programs based on predefined criteria. This feature simplifies program management by automating the enrollment process for eligible individuals.


The main purpose of the g2p_program_autoenrol module is to streamline and automate the process of enrolling beneficiaries into social protection programs. It achieves this by providing the following capabilities:

  • Automatic Enrollment: When a new registrant is created in the system, the module automatically checks for programs configured with auto-enrollment rules.

  • Eligibility Criteria: Program administrators can define specific eligibility criteria using Odoo's domain syntax. This allows them to target specific demographics or groups based on pre-defined attributes stored in registrant profiles.

  • Program-Specific Enrollment: Auto-enrollment can be enabled or disabled on a per-program basis, providing flexibility in managing different types of programs.

  • Optional Removal of Ineligible Registrants: Administrators have the option to automatically remove registrants from a program's membership list if they do not meet the defined eligibility criteria. This ensures that only eligible individuals are considered beneficiaries.


The module introduces the following key features:

  • New Fields in Program Configuration:

    • Auto Enrol Partners: A boolean field to enable or disable auto-enrollment for the specific program.

    • Filter for Partners: A text field utilizing Odoo's domain syntax to define the criteria for automatic enrollment. This allows administrators to specify which registrants should be automatically enrolled based on their profile attributes.

    • Keep only Eligible Partners: A boolean field that, when checked, will automatically remove registrants from the program's membership if they do not meet the defined eligibility criteria.

  • Automatic Enrollment upon Registrant Creation:

    • When a new registrant is created in the system, the module automatically checks for programs that have auto-enrollment enabled.

    • If the registrant meets the defined criteria for a specific program, they are automatically enrolled.

    • An automatic check for eligibility is performed, and if the "Keep only Eligible Partners" option is activated, ineligible registrants are removed from the program membership.

  • Impact on Program Statistics:

    • The module ensures that program statistics, such as the count of eligible and total beneficiaries, are updated dynamically to reflect the results of the automatic enrollment process.


The g2p_program_autoenrol module works seamlessly with the g2p_programs module. It leverages the existing program and registrant data structures and extends their functionality.


  • Reduced Administrative Burden: Automating the enrollment process significantly reduces the manual effort required by program administrators.

  • Improved Accuracy: By automating enrollment based on pre-defined criteria, the module minimizes the risk of human error and ensures consistent application of eligibility rules.

  • Enhanced Targeting: The ability to define specific eligibility criteria allows programs to effectively target the intended beneficiaries, maximizing impact and resource utilization.

  • Increased Efficiency: Automatic enrollment accelerates the process of onboarding eligible individuals into social protection programs.

By automating a crucial aspect of program management, the g2p_program_autoenrol module contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of social protection initiatives. It empowers organizations to deliver timely and targeted support to those in need.