OpenG2P Program Approval Module#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The g2p_program_approval module enhances the OpenG2P g2p_programs module by introducing an approval workflow for entitlements. This module enables program managers to define multi-stage approval processes, assign approval rights to user groups, and track the approval status of individual entitlements.


  • Multi-stage Approval Workflow: Define custom approval stages with specific states and responsible user groups.

  • Granular Approval Rights: Assign approval permissions to different user groups at each stage of the workflow.

  • Approval Status Tracking: Monitor the approval status of individual entitlements throughout the approval process.

  • Seamless Integration: Integrates directly with the g2p_programs module, extending its functionality.

Functionality and Integration#

The g2p_program_approval module extends the functionality of the g2p_programs module by adding the following features:

  • Approval Mapping: Program managers can define a sequence of approval stages for entitlements using the ProgramApprovalMapping model. Each stage is associated with a state, a responsible user group, and an optional sequence number.

  • Entitlement Manager Approval: The DefaultEntitlementManagerApproval model is extended to manage the approval process. It uses the defined approval mapping to determine the next stage and responsible group for each entitlement.

  • Entitlement Approval Status: The G2PApprovalEntitlement model, which inherits from the g2p.entitlement model in g2p_programs, now includes an approval_state field to track the current approval status of the entitlement.

  • User Interface Enhancements: The module modifies the user interface to display the approval status of entitlements and provide buttons for approving or rejecting them.


  • Enhanced Accountability: The approval workflow enforces accountability by clearly defining roles and responsibilities for approving entitlements.

  • Improved Transparency: Tracking the approval status of entitlements provides transparency into the decision-making process.

  • Streamlined Workflow: Automating the approval process reduces manual effort and improves the efficiency of entitlement management.


The g2p_program_approval module enhances the OpenG2P platform by providing a robust and customizable approval workflow for managing entitlements. By integrating seamlessly with the g2p_programs module, it strengthens the platform's capabilities for managing social protection programs effectively.