OpenSPP Registrant Tags#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.

This document outlines the functionality of the OpenSPP Registrant Tags module within the OpenSPP ecosystem. This module extends the tagging capabilities of the g2p_registry_base module, enabling more organized and efficient management of registrant data.


The OpenSPP Registrant Tags module aims to:

  • Provide a user-friendly interface for creating and managing tags specifically for registrants.

  • Enhance the organization and categorization of registrants within the OpenSPP system.

  • Facilitate efficient searching and filtering of registrants based on assigned tags.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  1. g2p_registry_base: This module builds upon the foundational registry functionalities provided by the G2P Registry: Base module. It leverages the existing tagging infrastructure within that module to ensure seamless integration.


The OpenSPP Registrant Tags module primarily focuses on providing a dedicated interface for managing registrant tags. This includes:

  • Creating New Tags: Users can easily define and create new tags relevant to categorizing registrants based on specific criteria (e.g., program eligibility, demographic information, geographic location).

  • Assigning Tags to Registrants: When adding or editing registrant information, users can select and assign relevant tags from the available list.

  • Filtering and Searching by Tags: The module enables users to quickly search for registrants associated with specific tags. This streamlines data management and analysis within the registry.


The OpenSPP Registrant Tags module, while seemingly simple, provides valuable functionality for organizing and managing large datasets of registrants within OpenSPP. By offering a focused approach to registrant tagging, it enhances the usability and efficiency of the overall registry system.