OpenSPP Land Record#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The OpenSPP: Land Record module extends OpenSPP's capabilities to manage and visualize land records. Building upon the [G2P Registry: Base](G2P Registry: Base) and [OpenSPP Base GIS](G2P Registry: Base](OpenSPP Base GIS](G2P Registry: Base) and [OpenSPP Base GIS) modules, it provides a framework for recording land parcels, ownership details, lease agreements, and visualizing these records geospatially.


This module is designed to:

  • Record essential details of land parcels, including size, coordinates, and usage.

  • Link land parcels to specific farms and registrants in the OpenSPP system.

  • Track land ownership and lease arrangements.

  • Visualize land records on maps, leveraging the GIS capabilities of OpenSPP.

Functionality and Integration#

OpenSPP: Land Record extends existing modules with the following features:

  1. Land Record Model ( This core model stores information about each land parcel, including:

    • Link to Farm: Connects the land record to a specific farm (res.partner) in the system.

    • Parcel Details: Records the parcel's name/ID, acreage, coordinates (point and polygon), and land use type.

    • Ownership and Lease: Links to owner and lessee records (using res.partner), along with lease start and end dates.

  2. Integration with [G2P Registry Base](G2P Registry Base):

    • Leverages the res.partner model from [G2P Registry Base](G2P Registry Base) to link land records with existing farms, owners, and lessees.

    • Benefits from the robust identification, relationship management, and tagging features provided by [G2P Registry Base](G2P Registry Base).

  3. Geospatial Visualization:

    • Integrates with the [OpenSPP Base GIS](OpenSPP Base GIS) module to visualize land records on maps.

    • Provides a get_geojson method to generate GeoJSON representations of land records, enabling their display as data layers on maps.

    • Allows users to visualize land parcels, ownership boundaries, and other land-related information in a spatial context.

Example Use Cases:#

  • Land Tenure Mapping: Visualize landholding patterns within a region, identifying potential issues related to land fragmentation, insecure tenure, or land disputes.

  • Program Targeting: Design targeted interventions by identifying farmers or beneficiaries based on land use, size of holdings, or ownership status.

  • Monitoring Land Use Change: Track changes in land use over time (e.g., conversion of forest to agricultural land), supporting environmental monitoring and sustainable land management initiatives.


The OpenSPP: Land Record module enhances OpenSPP's capacity to manage and analyze land-related data. By integrating with core registry and GIS functionalities, it provides a valuable tool for policymakers, program implementers, and researchers working on land governance, agricultural development, and social protection in the context of low- and middle-income countries.