spp_idpass Module#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The spp_idpass module extends the functionality of the OpenSPP system by providing a seamless way to generate and manage digital ID cards for registrants. It integrates with the existing registry system and leverages external ID Pass API services to produce printable ID cards.

Key Features#

  • ID Card Generation: Generates digital ID cards for individual registrants or groups using an external ID Pass API.

  • ID Card Storage: Stores generated ID cards as PDF attachments on the registrant's profile within the system.

  • ID Pass API Integration: Configurable settings for connecting with external ID Pass API services, including authentication and data transmission.

  • ID Card Design Customization: Allows for setting a file name prefix for generated ID cards and managing the expiry duration for issued IDs.

Integration with Other Modules#

  • g2p_registry_base: The module relies on the base registry module for accessing and managing registrant information.

  • g2p_registry_membership: Utilizes the membership module to handle ID card generation for groups, ensuring the correct identification of the group head.

Functionality and Workflow#

  1. Configuration: System administrators configure the connection to the ID Pass API by providing the necessary URLs, credentials, and other settings.

  2. ID Card Issuance: Authorized users can initiate the ID card generation process for a registrant directly from the registrant's profile.

  3. Data Transmission: The module securely transmits the required registrant data to the ID Pass API for card generation.

  4. ID Card Retrieval: Upon successful generation, the module retrieves the ID card in PDF format from the API.

  5. ID Card Storage: The generated ID card is automatically attached to the corresponding registrant's profile and can be downloaded or printed as needed.


  • Improved Identification: Provides a standardized and verifiable identification method for program beneficiaries.

  • Enhanced Program Efficiency: Streamlines the identification process, reducing administrative burden and potential errors.

  • Increased Transparency and Accountability: Creates a digital record of issued ID cards, improving program monitoring and evaluation.


This module requires an active subscription and integration with a compatible ID Pass API service.