OpenSPP Farmer Registry Dashboard#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The spp_farmer_registry_dashboard module provides a suite of interactive dashboards and reports to visualize data from the OpenSPP Farmer Registry. It leverages the power of data visualization to offer insights into key metrics and trends related to registered farmers and their agricultural practices.


This module aims to:

  • Enhance Data Exploration: Provide users with intuitive dashboards to easily explore and analyze farmer registry data.

  • Visualize Key Metrics: Present aggregated statistics and trends in a visually appealing and understandable format.

  • Support Decision-Making: Equip stakeholders with the insights needed to make informed decisions regarding agricultural programs and interventions.

Module Dependencies and Integration#

  • spp_farmer_registry_base : The dashboard module heavily relies on the data models and functionalities provided by spp_farmer_registry_base. It fetches data about farmers, farm groups, land records, agricultural activities, and other relevant information from this core module.

  • g2p_registry_membership : Utilizes this module to display data related to group memberships, such as the number of farmers belonging to different types of farmer groups.

  • spp_farmer_registry_demo : While not a strict dependency, the dashboard module is particularly useful when used in conjunction with spp_farmer_registry_demo. The demo data provides a rich dataset for the dashboards to visualize, showcasing the module's capabilities.

  • spreadsheet_dashboard: Leverages the spreadsheet_dashboard module to create dynamic and interactive dashboards. This dependency provides the framework for embedding charts and graphs directly within the Odoo interface.

  • g2p_registry_base : Indirectly depends on this module through its reliance on spp_farmer_registry_base. The core registrant data structures and relationships defined in g2p_registry_base are essential for the dashboard's functionality.

  • g2p_registry_group : Utilized indirectly to access and display information about different types of farmer groups, which are defined and managed by this module.

  • g2p_registry_individual : Also indirectly relied upon to access and visualize data related to individual farmers, such as their demographic information and registration details.

Additional Functionality#

The spp_farmer_registry_dashboard module introduces the following key features:

  • Interactive Dashboards: The module provides several pre-built dashboards, accessible through the Odoo menu:

    • Farmer Registry by Month: Visualizes the number of farmers registered each month, allowing users to track registration trends over time.

    • Farmer Registry by Legal Status: Displays the distribution of farmers based on the legal status of their farms (e.g., owned, leased, communal).

    • Farmer with/without Training Statistics: Presents a comparative view of farmers who have received formal agricultural training versus those who have not.

    • Sustainable Land & Environmental Management Statistics: Visualizes data related to sustainable farming practices, providing insights into the adoption of environmentally friendly methods.

  • Customizable Reports: The module includes customizable report templates that can be generated in various formats (e.g., PDF, XLSX). These reports offer more detailed breakdowns of farmer data and can be tailored to specific reporting requirements.

  • Data Filtering and Aggregation: The dashboards and reports offer filtering options, allowing users to focus on specific subsets of data. For instance, users can filter data by region, farm type, crop type, or other relevant criteria.


The spp_farmer_registry_dashboard module transforms raw data from the OpenSPP Farmer Registry into actionable insights. By providing intuitive dashboards and customizable reports, it empowers stakeholders to analyze trends, identify patterns, and make informed decisions to enhance the effectiveness of agricultural programs and interventions.