OpenSPP Document Management System#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The spp_dms module provides a robust system for organizing and managing files within OpenSPP. This module is essential for maintaining a structured and easily accessible repository of documents related to social protection programs.


  • Hierarchical Directories: Organize files logically into folders and subfolders for easy navigation and retrieval.

  • File Uploads: Securely upload and store files of various formats within the system.

  • Metadata Management: Store essential information about each file, including file type, size, upload date, and more.

  • File Preview: View thumbnails and previews of common file types directly within the interface.

  • Categorization: Classify files using categories to streamline searching and filtering.

  • User Roles and Permissions: Control access to directories and files based on user roles to ensure data security.


While the spp_dms module has no direct dependencies on other modules, it plays a crucial role in enhancing the functionality of other OpenSPP modules by providing a centralized document repository.

For instance, modules related to:

  • Beneficiary Management: Can utilize spp_dms to store important beneficiary documents, such as identification cards, proof of residency, or program-specific forms.

  • Payment Processing: Can store payment records, receipts, or other financial documentation within spp_dms for easy auditing and reference.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Can leverage the module to manage evaluation reports, data collection tools, and other program-related documents.

By integrating seamlessly with other OpenSPP modules, spp_dms contributes to a more organized and efficient management of data and documents within social protection programs.