G2P Registry: Rest API Module#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The g2p_registry_rest_api module extends the functionality of the OpenG2P platform by providing a RESTful API for interacting with the g2p_registry_membership module. This module allows external systems and applications to seamlessly access and manage data related to groups and individuals within the registry.


  • RESTful API Endpoints: Exposes API endpoints for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on group and individual records.

  • Integration with FastAPI: Leverages the FastAPI framework for building high-performance and scalable APIs.

  • Security: Implements role-based access control to restrict API access based on user permissions defined in the g2p_security.xml file.

  • Customizable Endpoints: Allows for the creation of custom API endpoints to cater to specific integration needs.


This module directly depends on the following modules:

  • g2p_registry_membership: Provides the core functionality for managing groups and individuals within the registry.

  • fastapi: A modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python.

  • extendable_fastapi: Extends the FastAPI framework with additional features for DCI integration.


The module enhances the OpenG2P platform by:

  • Enabling external system integration: Provides a standardized way for other systems, such as mobile applications or data analysis tools, to interact with the registry data.

  • Automating data exchange: Allows for automated data synchronization between the OpenG2P platform and other systems.

  • Building custom applications: Enables the development of custom applications that leverage the registry data through its API.


The g2p_registry_rest_api module enforces security through the following mechanisms:

  • Role-based access control: Defines specific roles (Rest API POST and Rest API GET) that grant access to different API endpoints and operations.

  • DCI authentication: Leverages DCI's built-in authentication system to authenticate API requests.


The g2p_registry_rest_api module plays a crucial role in enhancing the interoperability and extensibility of the OpenG2P platform. By providing a comprehensive RESTful API, it enables seamless data exchange and integration with external systems, empowering organizations to build more connected and efficient social protection programs.