G2P Registry: Additional Info Module#


Work in Progress: This document is actively being developed and updated. Content may be incomplete or subject to change.


The g2p_registry_addl_info module extends the OpenSPP platform by providing a flexible mechanism for capturing and managing additional, program-specific information for both individual and group registrants.


This module aims to address the need for capturing data points that are not part of the core registrant information but are crucial for specific social protection programs. It achieves this by adding a dedicated "Additional Information" section to both individual and group registrant forms.


The module introduces the following key features:

  • JSON Field for Additional Information: A dedicated JSON field additional_g2p_info is added to the res.partner model. This field allows storing unstructured data, providing flexibility in capturing diverse program-specific information.

  • Customizable Input Widget: A dedicated Javascript widget g2p_registry_addl_info_widget is used to render and manage the content of the additional_g2p_info field. This allows for dynamic and user-friendly data entry tailored to the specific requirements of different programs.

  • Integration with Registrant Forms: The "Additional Information" section is seamlessly integrated into both the g2p_registry_individual and g2p_registry_group forms, ensuring that program implementers can easily access and manage this additional data.


The g2p_registry_addl_info module depends on the following modules:


  • Enhanced Data Capture: Enables capturing a wider range of data points relevant to specific social protection programs.

  • Program Flexibility: Accommodates diverse data needs without requiring code-level modifications.

  • Improved Data Management: Provides a structured approach to managing additional registrant information.

By providing a flexible and extensible mechanism for managing additional registrant information, the g2p_registry_addl_info module empowers program implementers to effectively tailor OpenSPP to the unique requirements of their social protection initiatives.