Source code for odoo.addons.g2p_programs.models.managers.entitlement_manager

# Part of OpenG2P. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import logging

from odoo import _, api, fields, models

from odoo.addons.queue_job.delay import group

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EntitlementManager(models.Model):
    _name = "g2p.program.entitlement.manager"
    _description = "Entitlement Manager"
    _inherit = "g2p.manager.mixin"

    program_id = fields.Many2one("g2p.program", "Program")

    def _selection_manager_ref_id(self):
        selection = super()._selection_manager_ref_id()
        new_manager = ("g2p.program.entitlement.manager.default", "Default")
        if new_manager not in selection:
        return selection

[docs]class BaseEntitlementManager(models.AbstractModel): _name = "g2p.base.program.entitlement.manager" _inherit = "base.programs.manager" _description = "Base Entitlement Manager" IS_CASH_ENTITLEMENT = True MIN_ROW_JOB_QUEUE = 200 MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE = 2000 name = fields.Char("Manager Name", required=True) program_id = fields.Many2one("g2p.program", string="Program", required=True)
[docs] def prepare_entitlements(self, cycle, beneficiaries): """ This method is used to prepare the entitlement list of the beneficiaries. :param cycle: The cycle. :param beneficiaries: The beneficiaries. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def set_pending_validation_entitlements(self, cycle): """Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`set_pending_validate_entitlements` Set entitlements to pending_validation in a cycle Override in entitlement manager :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _set_pending_validation_entitlements_async(self, cycle, entitlements): """Set Entitlements to Pending Validation Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_set_pending_validation_entitlements_async` Asynchronous setting of entitlements to pending_validation in a cycle using `job_queue` :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to process :return: """ entitlements_count = len(entitlements) _logger.debug("Set entitlements to pending validation asynchronously") cycle.message_post( body=_( "Setting %s entitlements to pending validation has started.", entitlements_count, ) ) cycle.write( { "locked": True, "locked_reason": _("Set entitlements to pending validation for cycle."), } ) jobs = [] for i in range(0, entitlements_count, self.MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE): jobs.append( self.delayable()._set_pending_validation_entitlements( entitlements[i : i + self.MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE] ) ) main_job = group(*jobs) main_job.on_done( self.delayable().mark_job_as_done( cycle, _("Entitlements Set to Pending Validation.") ) ) main_job.delay() def _set_pending_validation_entitlements(self, entitlements): """ Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_set_pending_validation_entitlements` Synchronous setting of entitlements to pending_validation in a cycle Override in entitlement manager :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def validate_entitlements(self, cycle): """Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`validate_entitlements` Validate entitlements for a cycle Override in entitlement manager :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _validate_entitlements_async(self, cycle, entitlements, entitlements_count): """Validate Entitlements Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_validate_entitlements_async` Asynchronous validation of entitlements in a cycle using `job_queue` :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to validate :param entitlements_count: Integer count of entitlements to validate :return: """ _logger.debug("Validate entitlements asynchronously") cycle.message_post( body=_("Validate %s entitlements started.", entitlements_count) ) cycle.write( { "locked": True, "locked_reason": _("Validate and approve entitlements for cycle."), } ) jobs = [] for i in range(0, entitlements_count, self.MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE): jobs.append( self.delayable()._validate_entitlements( entitlements[i : i + self.MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE] ) ) main_job = group(*jobs) main_job.on_done( self.delayable().mark_job_as_done( cycle, _("Entitlements Validated and Approved.") ) ) main_job.delay() def _validate_entitlements(self, entitlements): """ Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_validate_entitlements` Synchronous validation of entitlements in a cycle Override in entitlement manager :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to validate :return: """ # Call the program's entitlement manager and validate the entitlements # TODO: Use a Job attached to the cycle # TODO: Implement validation workflow raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def approve_entitlements(self, entitlements): """Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_approve_entitlements` Approve selected entitlements Override in entitlement manager :param entitlements: Selected entitlements to approve. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def cancel_entitlements(self, cycle): """Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`cancel_entitlements` Cancel entitlements in a cycle Override in entitlement manager :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _cancel_entitlements_async(self, cycle, entitlements, entitlements_count): """Cancel Entitlements Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_cancel_entitlements_async` Asynchronous cancellation of entitlements in a cycle using `job_queue` :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to cancel :param entitlements_count: Integer value of total entitlements to process :return: """ _logger.debug("Cancel entitlements asynchronously") cycle.message_post( body=_("Cancel %s entitlements started.", entitlements_count) ) cycle.write( { "locked": True, "locked_reason": _("Cancel entitlements for cycle."), } ) jobs = [] for i in range(0, entitlements_count, self.MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE): jobs.append( self.delayable()._cancel_entitlements( entitlements[i : i + self.MAX_ROW_JOB_QUEUE] ) ) main_job = group(*jobs) main_job.on_done( self.delayable().mark_job_as_done(cycle, _("Entitlements Cancelled.")) ) main_job.delay() def _cancel_entitlements(self, entitlements): """ Base Entitlement Manager :meth:`_cancel_entitlements` Synchronous cancellation of entitlements in a cycle Override in entitlement manager :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to cancel :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def mark_job_as_done(self, cycle, msg): """ Base :meth:`mark_job_as_done` Post a message in the chatter :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :param msg: A string to be posted in the chatter :return: """ self.ensure_one() cycle.locked = False cycle.locked_reason = None cycle.message_post(body=msg)
[docs] def open_entitlements_form(self, cycle): """ This method is used to open the list view of entitlements in a cycle. :param cycle: The cycle. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def open_entitlement_form(self, rec): """ This method is used to open the form view of a selected entitlement. :param rec: The entitlement. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError()
def check_fund_balance(self, program_id): company_id = self.env.user.company_id and or None retval = 0.0 if company_id: params = ( company_id, program_id, ) # Get the current fund balance fund_bal = 0.0 sql = """ select sum(amount) as total_fund from g2p_program_fund where company_id = %s AND program_id = %s AND state = 'posted' """ self._cr.execute(sql, params) program_funds = self._cr.dictfetchall() fund_bal = program_funds[0]["total_fund"] or 0.0 # Get the current entitlement totals total_entitlements = 0.0 sql = """ select sum(a.initial_amount) as total_entitlement from g2p_entitlement a left join g2p_cycle b on = a.cycle_id where a.company_id = %s AND b.program_id = %s AND a.state = 'approved' """ self._cr.execute(sql, params) entitlements = self._cr.dictfetchall() total_entitlements = entitlements[0]["total_entitlement"] or 0.0 retval = fund_bal - total_entitlements return retval
[docs]class DefaultCashEntitlementManager(models.Model): _name = "g2p.program.entitlement.manager.default" _inherit = ["g2p.base.program.entitlement.manager", "g2p.manager.source.mixin"] _description = "Default Entitlement Manager" # Set to True so that the UI will display the payment management components IS_CASH_ENTITLEMENT = True amount_per_cycle = fields.Monetary( currency_field="currency_id", group_operator="sum", default=0.0, ) amount_per_individual_in_group = fields.Monetary( currency_field="currency_id", group_operator="sum", default=0.0, ) max_individual_in_group = fields.Integer( default=0, string="Maximum number of individual in group", help="0 means no limit", ) currency_id = fields.Many2one( "res.currency", related="program_id.journal_id.currency_id", readonly=True ) # Transfer Fees transfer_fee_pct = fields.Float( "Transfer Fee(%)", digits=(5, 2), default=0.0, help="Transfer fee will be a percentage of amount", ) transfer_fee_amt = fields.Monetary( "Transfer Fee Amount", default=0.0, currency_field="currency_id", help="Set fixed transfer fee amount", ) # Group able to validate the payment # Todo: Create a record rule for payment_validation_group entitlement_validation_group_id = fields.Many2one( "res.groups", string="Entitlement Validation Group" )
[docs] @api.onchange("transfer_fee_pct") def on_transfer_fee_pct_change(self): if self.transfer_fee_pct > 0.0: self.transfer_fee_amt = 0.0
[docs] @api.onchange("transfer_fee_amt") def on_transfer_fee_amt_change(self): if self.transfer_fee_amt > 0.0: self.transfer_fee_pct = 0.0
[docs] def prepare_entitlements(self, cycle, beneficiaries): """Prepare entitlements. This method is used to prepare the entitlement list of the beneficiaries. :param cycle: The cycle. :param beneficiaries: The beneficiaries. :return: """ benecifiaries_ids = beneficiaries.mapped("") benecifiaries_with_entitlements = ( self.env["g2p.entitlement"] .search( [("cycle_id", "=",, ("partner_id", "in", benecifiaries_ids)] ) .mapped("") ) entitlements_to_create = [ benecifiaries_id for benecifiaries_id in benecifiaries_ids if benecifiaries_id not in benecifiaries_with_entitlements ] entitlement_start_validity = cycle.start_date entitlement_end_validity = cycle.end_date entitlement_currency = beneficiaries_with_entitlements_to_create = self.env["res.partner"].browse( entitlements_to_create ) individual_count = beneficiaries_with_entitlements_to_create.count_individuals() individual_count_map = dict(individual_count) entitlements = [] for beneficiary_id in beneficiaries_with_entitlements_to_create: amount = self._calculate_amount( beneficiary_id, individual_count_map.get(, 0) ) transfer_fee = 0.0 if self.transfer_fee_pct > 0.0: transfer_fee = amount * (self.transfer_fee_pct / 100.0) elif self.transfer_fee_amt > 0.0: transfer_fee = self.transfer_fee_amt entitlements.append( { "cycle_id":, "partner_id":, "initial_amount": amount, "transfer_fee": transfer_fee, "currency_id": entitlement_currency, "state": "draft", "is_cash_entitlement": True, "valid_from": entitlement_start_validity, "valid_until": entitlement_end_validity, } ) if entitlements: self.env["g2p.entitlement"].create(entitlements)
[docs] def set_pending_validation_entitlements(self, cycle): """Set entitlements to pending validation. Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`set_pending_validation_entitlements` Set entitlements to pending_validation in a cycle :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :return: """ # Get the number of entitlements in cycle entitlements = cycle.get_entitlements( ["draft"], entitlement_model="g2p.entitlement", ) entitlements_count = len(entitlements) if entitlements_count < self.MIN_ROW_JOB_QUEUE: self._set_pending_validation_entitlements(entitlements) else: self._set_pending_validation_entitlements_async(cycle, entitlements)
def _set_pending_validation_entitlements(self, entitlements): """Set entitlements to pending validation. Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`_set_pending_validation_entitlements` Synchronous setting of entitlements to pending_validation in a cycle :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements :return: """ entitlements.update({"state": "pending_validation"})
[docs] def validate_entitlements(self, cycle): """Validate entitlements. Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`validate_entitlements` Validate entitlements in a cycle :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :return: """ # Get the number of entitlements in cycle entitlements = cycle.get_entitlements( ["draft", "pending_validation"], entitlement_model="g2p.entitlement", ) entitlements_count = len(entitlements) if entitlements_count < self.MIN_ROW_JOB_QUEUE: err, message = self._validate_entitlements(entitlements) if err > 0: kind = "danger" return { "type": "ir.actions.client", "tag": "display_notification", "params": { "title": _("Entitlement"), "message": message, "sticky": True, "type": kind, "next": { "type": "ir.actions.act_window_close", }, }, } else: kind = "success" return { "type": "ir.actions.client", "tag": "display_notification", "params": { "title": _("Entitlement"), "message": _("Entitlements are validated and approved."), "sticky": True, "type": kind, "next": { "type": "ir.actions.act_window_close", }, }, } else: self._validate_entitlements_async(cycle, entitlements, entitlements_count)
def _validate_entitlements(self, entitlements): """Validate entitlements. Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`_validate_entitlements` Synchronous validation of entitlements in a cycle :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to validate :return err: Integer number of errors :return message: String description of the error """ err, message = self.approve_entitlements(entitlements) return err, message
[docs] def cancel_entitlements(self, cycle): """ Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`cancel_entitlements` Cancel entitlements in a cycle :param cycle: A recordset of cycle :return: """ # Get the number of entitlements in cycle entitlements = cycle.get_entitlements( ["draft", "pending_validation", "approved"], entitlement_model="g2p.entitlement", ) entitlements_count = len(entitlements) if entitlements_count < self.MIN_ROW_JOB_QUEUE: self._cancel_entitlements(entitlements) else: self._cancel_entitlements_async(cycle, entitlements, entitlements_count)
def _cancel_entitlements(self, entitlements): """ Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`_cancel_entitlements` Synchronous cancellation of entitlements in a cycle :param entitlements: A recordset of entitlements to cancel :return: """ entitlements.update({"state": "cancelled"}) def _calculate_amount(self, beneficiary, num_individuals): total = self.amount_per_cycle if beneficiary.is_group: if num_individuals: if self.max_individual_in_group: num_individuals = min(num_individuals, self.max_individual_in_group) total += self.amount_per_individual_in_group * float(num_individuals) return total
[docs] def approve_entitlements(self, entitlements): """Approve entitlements. Default Entitlement Manager :meth:`approve_entitlements` Approve selected entitlements :param entitlements: Selected entitlements to approve :return state_err: Integer number of errors :return message: String description of the errors """ amt = 0.0 state_err = 0 message = "" sw = 0 for rec in entitlements: if rec.state in ("draft", "pending_validation"): fund_balance = self.check_fund_balance( - amt if fund_balance >= rec.initial_amount: amt += rec.initial_amount # Prepare journal entry (account.move) via account.payment amount = rec.initial_amount new_service_fee = None if rec.transfer_fee > 0.0: amount -= rec.transfer_fee # Incurred Fees (transfer fees) payment = { "partner_id":, "payment_type": "outbound", "amount": rec.transfer_fee, "currency_id":, "journal_id":, "partner_type": "supplier", "ref": "Service Fee: Code: %s" % rec.code, } new_service_fee = self.env["account.payment"].create(payment) # Fund Disbursed (amount - transfer fees) payment = { "partner_id":, "payment_type": "outbound", "amount": amount, "currency_id":, "journal_id":, "partner_type": "supplier", "ref": "Fund disbursed to beneficiary: Code: %s" % rec.code, } new_payment = self.env["account.payment"].create(payment) rec.update( { "disbursement_id":, "service_fee_disbursement_id": new_service_fee and or None, "state": "approved", "date_approved":, } ) else: message = _( "The fund for the program: %(program)s [%(fund).2f] " + "is insufficient for the entitlement: %(entitlement)s" ) % { "program":, "fund": fund_balance, "entitlement": rec.code, } # Stop the process and return an error return (1, message) else: state_err += 1 if sw == 0: sw = 1 message = _( "Entitlement State Error! Entitlements not in 'pending validation' state:\n" ) message += _("Program: %(prg)s, Beneficiary: %(partner)s.\n") % { "prg":, "partner":, } return (state_err, message)
[docs] def open_entitlements_form(self, cycle): self.ensure_one() action = { "name": _("Cycle Entitlements"), "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "res_model": "g2p.entitlement", "context": { "create": False, "default_cycle_id":, # "search_default_approved_state": 1, }, "view_mode": "list,form", "views": [ [self.env.ref("g2p_programs.view_entitlement_tree").id, "tree"], [self.env.ref("g2p_programs.view_entitlement_form").id, "form"], ], "domain": [("cycle_id", "=",], } return action
[docs] def open_entitlement_form(self, rec): return { "name": "Entitlement", "view_mode": "form", "res_model": "g2p.entitlement", "res_id":, "view_id": self.env.ref("g2p_programs.view_entitlement_form").id, "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "target": "new", }